The International Thespian Society (ITS) is the Educational Theatre Association’s student honorary organization. ITS recognizes the achievements of high school theatre students. Since 1929, EdTA has inducted more than 2 million Thespians into ITS. That number continues to grow, with more than 36,000 students from around the country being inducted each year. Pendleton Heights High School Troupe 5835 was sanctioned in 1998 and has been thriving ever since.
A few of our Thespian alumni are famous names from the entertainment industry, including Tom Hanks, Val Kilmer, James Marsters, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, and Stephen Schwartz. But most alumni are in just about any industry you can imagine and excel using skills they learned as Thespians.
Thespian troupes provide young people with the opportunity to earn recognition, form friendships, and enrich their education. To gain membership in this organization, students must earn points through participation in theatre related activities. Upon reaching 10 points they are eligible for induction into this prestigious organization.
Below are the points available in our troupe:
Thespian Points Effective 20-21 School Year
Induction – Requires 10 Points of Theatre Activities*
Honor Thespian – 60 points
National Honor Thespian – 120 points
International Honor Thespian – 180 points
* Choir performance participation CANNOT be used for Induction, but can be used to earn Stars
Pendleton Players Production Major Role~ 8 Points
Pendleton Players Production Minor Role~ 6 Points
Pendleton Players Production Speaking Chorus~ 4 Points

Pendleton Player Production Ensemble/Chorus~ 3 Points
Choir Performances (per year)~ 1 Point

Community Productions ~ Director’s Choice* (YAP,Beef & Boards, Mainstage, etc.)

Pit Orchestra~ 3 points
Student Assistant Director~ 6 points
Stage Manager~ 3-5 points*
Assistant Stage Manager~ 3-5 points*
Light or Sound Designer Major Production~ 4 points
Pendleton Players Productions Crews~ 2-3 points (Grip, Fly, Costumes, Props, Make-up, SPFX, video etc)
Choir Production Crew~ 2 points
After School Tech Crew per year~ *Director’s Choice
Community Productions Tech~ Director’s Choice*
Work Day (all day)~ 1 point
Children’s Workshop Volunteer ~ 1 point
Usher Corp/Lobby Team (All nights)~ 1 point
Thespian Officers
President~ 6 points
Vice-President~ 4 points
Secretary ~ 5 points
Treasurer~ 4 points
Clerk~ 4 points
Thespian Award Status
One star ~ 20 points
Two stars ~ 30 points
Three stars~ 40 points
Four stars~ 50 points
Honor Thespian~ 60 points
National Honor Thespian~ 120 points
International Honor Thespian~ 180 points
Lack of Participation in Performing Arts Department Activities for one year will result in
Membership Suspension
4-Year Seniors are those who participate all 4 years in productions
HONOR CORDS for graduation earned by achieving Honor Thespian Status